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Newsletter 31/01/23


(Reg Charity 1199330)

C/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL

Telephone: 0114 2671111

31st January 2023

Dear all,

I cannot believe that we have already arrived at the end of January and have only two more weeks to go until February half term and the midpoint of our school year.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be continuing the topic of people that help us concentrating on the role of the dentist and the importance of brushing our teeth. Oral hygiene is now part of the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and we will be promoting this by sending each child home with a tooth brush and tooth paste.

We will be reading stories about trips to the dentist and will be watching an episode of woolly and tigg so that the children know what it is like. We will be talking about how to brush our teeth and the importance of doing this twice a day. We will be painting with toothbrushes on our creative table, making playdough teeth on our tactile table and practicing how to brush our teeth by colouring teeth on a white board and then brushing the colour off using a tooth brush. We will also use this week to return to reinforce our healthy eating topic by taking about what affect the foods we eat affect our teeth as well as our bodies.

Next week (week commencing 6th February 2023) we will be looking at colours and talking about love, friendship and how we can look after each other. We will be reading the story of Elmer and talking about colours, patterns and similarities and differences. We will be making our own patterned elephants, mixing colours and playing with coloured cornflour. We will also be talking about being kind to one another, sharing our toys and resources and playing lots of turn taking games. Toward the end of this week we will talking about love and about those people that are special to us as we celebrate Valentine’s day including making cards, love birds and icing a biscuit.

In addition to the above we will be continuing to look at numbers and shapes in the environment whilst talking about making healthy choice in the food we eat. We will be doing lots of balancing and climbing whilst using the large wooden blocks and the bench to make our own obstacle course. We will also be planting some herbs so that the children can use them whilst making something tasty in the mud kitchen.

Over the last few weeks we have noted a number of children that have been brought into the setting that are too poorly to attend and I therefore wanted to remind you of our policy regarding this. If your child is requires liquid paracetamol to make it through the day then please can you keep them at home. Being in amongst 28 children when sick is no fun for your child and it means that germs are spread to other children and the staff. As you are all aware we currently have a child that attends our setting that is still receiving treatment for Leukaemia and therefore a virus or infection that may appear to be harmless to your child may make her extremely unwell. I therefore ask that you take this into consideration before you send your child into the setting if they are unwell.

Home Learning Challenge

  • Arrange a play date with friends

  • Make your own book

  • Make a sticker chart for cleaning teeth

  • Sing counting songs and rhymes

Next half term we will be planting seeds, celebrating Pancake Day and Mother’s Day, talking about new life, Ramadan and Easter.

Have a great half term when we get there,


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