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Newsletter 26.06.23


(Reg Charity 1199330)

C/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL

Telephone: 0114 2671111

26th June 2023

Dear all,

I hope that you are enjoying the sunshine and have had a great weekend. I cannot quite believe that we are at the end of June already! The next four weeks will be hectic, but hopefully full of fun as we head towards the end of term.

Over the next few weeks, we will be completing our lifecycles topic as hopefully our butterflies will emerge from their chrysalis’. The children have really enjoyed watching how the tiny caterpillars that arrived three weeks ago have grown and are now excited to see the next stage. We will be concentrating on school readiness over the next few weeks, consolidating all the things we have learnt in maths and literacy and practicing our pencil control. We will also be having a school in our role play area and practising independence by encouraging the children to change themselves if they are wet from water play or to put on their own coats if the weather is wet.

The foundation teachers from Greystones Primary School have also stated that we can take groups up to school for extra transition visits. We are hoping to start these visits next week and will group your children together according to whether they will be a star, rainbow or sunflower!

I have asked that the staff complete all their transition documents by Friday 7th July, and these should be sent out to you for you read and comment on. There will also be opportunity for you to speak to your child’s key person on the evenings of 12th and 19th July. There are 34 children leaving the setting, so this is a busy time of year for us all!

Please can you email the setting to choose a time that suits you.

Just a few reminders…….

  • We will be holding our sports day and family picnic in Endcliffe Park on Saturday 15th July at 10.30 am. If you haven’t done so already, please can you let me know if you wish to attend. This is so I can make sure that all children have a certificate and a medal! This is usually a great event and a fun way to celebrate the end of term together.

  • We will also be holding a leavers party on Tuesday 18th July between 5.00 and 7,00 pm at St Gabriel’s church hall. The idea is that the children are left with us and that parents can return from 6.45 pm to watch your child receive their leavers certificate. This is also a lovely end to the preschool year, please let me know if you wish your child to attend if you haven’t done so already. Please make sure that you bring your tissues with you.

  • We will be having an end of school year cake sale on Thursday 20th July. We will be looking for volunteers to help run the stall and for donations of lots of lovely cakes. These can be bought or homemade, and all the money raised will go towards enhancing your child’s experience with us.

We have noticed that many of the children are bringing items to preschool, including toys, books, and bracelets . We would ask that you try to dissuade your child from bringing these items, as we have had many tears over the last few weeks when things have been broken or lost.

On hot sunny days please can you ensure that sun cream is applied to your child prior to them coming into the setting? We will apply our own suncream (Ambre Solaire 50+ Kids) after lunch for those children that are here for the full day. Please do not send your child with sun cream in their bags as the children love to apply it on one another leading to lots of sticky children. Please could you also send a change of clothes in your child’s rucksack? We love to get wet on warm/hot days, however we do not have enough spares for all children, oh and do not forget a water bottle and sun hat.

Many thanks to those of you that took the time to complete the parent’s questionnaire. We have taken on board all your comments and will use the information to enrich the setting further.

Home Learning Challenges

  • Read your favourite book, talk about it, and retell the story from the pictures.

  • Carry out small tasks together, tidying toys, pairing socks, preparing a meal together or doing the dishes!

  • Make a time capsule and add memories to it.

  • Play turn taking or sound games.

  • Looks for shapes and patterns in the environment.

  • Go on a bug hunt and see what you can find,

  • Arrange a play date with a friend or someone that will be in your new class.

  • Have a teddy bear picnic!

  • Encourage your child to be independent at home, getting dressed, putting on shoes and cleaning their own teeth.

Many thanks for our continued support.


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