(Reg Charity 1199330)
c/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL
Telephone: 0114 2671111 emails:greystonespreschool@ymail.com
9th May 2023
Dear all,
I hope you have had a great bank holiday weekend and enjoyed some family time. We are now in week four of this half term and the next holidays will be upon us before we know it!
Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be looking at traditional stories, continuing our growing and planting theme, making potions in the mud kitchen, and looking at capacity as we enjoy lots of water play. We will be talking about friendships, feelings, and emotions, working on our fine motor skills to enhance our pencil control, dancing with Liz and playing football with Jamie. Looking at prepositions and counting forwards and backwards to twenty as well as looking at the shapes of everyday objects. As part of our letters and sound work we will also be looking at alliteration and voice sounds. The letter of the week is S and the number of the week is 9 (9-12 May) and T and 10 (15-19 May).
As some of you are aware a number of children have really enjoyed making models/robots/yoyos out of junk modelling this half term and our stock of items to construct with is now running low. We would really love your old boxes, tubes, egg boxes, fruit cartons, bottle tops, sweet wrappers, bubble wrap, the list is endless.
Thank you to those of you who have booked in to see your child’s key person on the
17th May (this is just for those children that will be returning to the setting in September). For those parents, whose children will be transitioning into school we will be holding transition parent’s meetings on 14th and 21st June 2022. Please put these dates in your diary and watch out for further information.
We will also be holding a leavers party in St Gabriel’s church hall on the Tuesday 18th July 2023 between 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Charlie will be joining us for dancing and party games and there will be party food to enjoy. Parents are welcome to join us from
6.45 pm to watch the children receive their leavers certificates. I know this seems a long way off, but it is only 10 weeks away (only 9 more weeks at Preschool!). Please can you complete and return the attached slip at the end of this letter if you would like your child/children to attend.
We still intend to hold a sports day and family picnic in Endcliffe Park in July. Details to follow.
Finally, a few reminders….
We will be having an incredibly special musical stories performance from Concerteenies on the 13th of June at 1.30 pm. Polly and her team will be performing The Dog who could dig. We are really looking forward to taking part in this musical extravaganza.
End of year cake sale on Thursday 20th July at 3.00 pm (the Coronation cake stall last week raised £111.50! A BIG thank you to all of those who helped, baked, and bought cakes). All the money raised will go to enhancing your child’s experience at Preschool.
Please complete the parent’s questionnaire if you are able (you may also use the link attached to the email.
Please remember to send your child with a hat and a water bottle on hot sunny days.
Home learning challenges
· Plant some flower or vegetable seedlings in your garden or on a patio or balcony.
· Make a den in the garden.
· Have a teddy bear’s picnic.
· Play number snap
· Practise getting dressed in the morning.
· Talk about friendships feelings and change.
Hopefully, the weather will be kind to us over the next few weeks and we can have some fun outside.
Take care,
Leavers Party
Name……………………………………. will be attending the leavers party on the 18th of July 2023.
Dietary requirements …………………………………………………………………………….
Parent’s name…………………………………………………………………………………….
Emergency contact number……………………………………………………………………