(Reg Charity 1199330)
C/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL
Telephone: 0114 2671111 emails:greystonespreschool@ymail.com
24th May 2023
Dear all,
Well, here we are at the end of another half term. It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was writing to you at the end of week 2! We have had so much fun, and your children have changed so much over the last 31 weeks.
The last 7 weeks are going to very busy, filled with transition meetings, sports day, the leaver’s party, and a cake stall. We will be continuing our weekly football training with coach Jamie and taking part in musical stories with Polly. There is so much to look forward too!
So, what will we be covering over the next half term?
We will continue to look at a number and letter each week as part of our register time. We would also like to make a display of all the places that we have visited over the holidays. So, whatever you get up to next week please can you either send your child with a photo of them taking part in their favourite activity or a postcard if you are going on holiday. We will also be looking at maps and talking about different parts of the country as well as different parts of the world. We will be learning about different cultures and tasting different foods as well as dancing to music from different parts of the world. We will also be continuing our life cycles topic by watching caterpillars change into butterflies, as well as bug hunting and den building. We will be having lots of water play and using our water wall. We will be talking about recycling and will be collecting water and using the water from our outside play to water our plants. We will be looking at capacity and revisiting counting 1-5, 5-10 and 10-20, counting forwards and backwards, recognising numerals, 2D shapes and shapes in the environment by going on a shape walk. We will be spending lots of time outside running, climbing, balancing, and jumping. We will also be enjoying dough disco as we prepare our fingers for writing. We will be revisiting all the seven aspects from phase 1 of letters and sounds. In addition to this we will be looking back over photos with the children remembering all that we have done this year’s and talking about what they have enjoyed the most. I know that from personal experience, looking back over all the Instagram/Facebook posts since September I am so proud of how the children have made friends, worked together, and had fun all whilst learning lots of new skills. I also wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to my wonderful staff team who have worked so hard to ensure that the children have had a wonderful start to their learning journey. It is called the Early Years Foundation Stage because that is what it is the foundation of their future learning and achievement.
A few reminders….
Please can you send your child with a change of clothes. On hot sunny days we will be playing in the water and even with aprons the children often need changing.
If your child has come home in spare clothes that belong to preschool, please can these be returned? Unfortunately, we no longer have any spare clothes to use in an emergency.
Please can you ensure that you send your child with a water bottle and a sun hat? Especially on a hot sunny day.
Also, on hot days please can you put sun cream on our child before the come to preschool? There is no need to send your child with sun cream as we will apply Ambre Solaire Kids 50+ sun cream after unch to all those children that stay for the full day.
The children will be holding a sale of tomato plants tomorrow evening (25th May). All the plants have been grown by the children and all the proceeds will go towards buying new resources for your child.
Home learning Challenges
Arrange a playdate with a friend in the holidays.
Help do the recycling.
Try new foods/fruits/vegetables.
Practice name recognition/writing their name.
Encourage your child to be independent at home, getting dressed/undressed, putting on shoes, carrying their own bags, cleaning their teeth. These are all skills that will be needed for school!
Look at books about different countries and cultures.
I wish you all a wonderful half term holiday and look forward to hearing about all you have done when we return for the last half term on Monday 5th June.
Have fun!