c/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL
Telephone: 0114 2671111 email:greystonespreschool@ymail.com
26th April 2023
Dear all,
I cannot believe that we are coming towards the end of week two of a six week half term. The next two weeks will consist of only 4 days as we have two bank holidays, one for May Day and the other to mark the Coronation of King Charles III, so we are really going to busy trying to fit everything in.
This week we have been talking about the Festival of Eid al Fitr. The children have watched a short video on the computer explaining how Muslims around the world celebrate this special time of year. To celebrate we have made moon and stars cookies and enjoyed a dance session with Liz, as well as reading stories on the topic and looking at mehndi patterns. We are also continuing our theme of planting and growing and have started to change our role play area into a garden centre! We have also purchased a small plastic greenhouse so the children can plant a variety of flowers and vegetables whilst protecting them from frost. If you have any spare seedlings, seeds, old seed packets, plant pots or gardening magazines we would love to take them off your hands! We are also looking at the number 8 and the letter i this week in our group time.
Next week we will be talking to the children about the Coronation of King Charles III and celebrating in our own unique way. We will be watching a short Power point presentation by Twinkl about King Charles and the Coronation, making our own crowns, flags and bunting to decorate the setting. Weather permitting, we are hoping to have a tea party outside on Wednesday afternoon, with sandwiches, strawberries, and cake! We will also be enjoying a dancing session with Liz, playing party games, Coronation bingo and holding a cake stall after preschool on Thursday 4th May. Please come along and support us if you can, all the money raised will go towards enhancing your child’s preschool experience. We will also be colour mixing by using paint inside and different coloured water outside, as well continuing our maths and literacy work during our group time. We will also have a visit from Jamie Green (Kixx Sheffield) on Thursday afternoon. Jamie will be teaching the children football skills every Thursday afternoon between now and the end of term. Please ensure that your child brings a pair of trainers in their bag if they attend preschool on a Thursday afternoon.
As part of the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS we will be talking to the children about Fundamental British Values these are:-
· Respecting the culture and beliefs of others.
· Knowing that we are all special
· Understanding and respecting the roles of people who help us.
· Understanding the consequences of our actions.
· Treating everyone equally.
· Understanding right from wrong.
· To listen and respect other people’s views and opinions.
· Trying to help others.
These are the Personal, Social and Emotional skills we all need to learn and are the tools needed to live in harmony with others.
A few reminders:
· Please do not send your child into the setting if they are unwell, especially if they have had a stomach upset or a temperature. The new guidance states that children should not attend the setting for 48 hours after the last occurrence. Neither should you send your child to preschool if they need liquid paracetamol to be able to attend. This is not fair to your child, the staff and the other children and families that are attending the same day.
· Greystones Preschool is a nut free environment, please do not send your child with nuts or nut related products in their lunch.
· We have noticed that a number of children are staying in the outside area after preschool and playing with equipment resulting in a staff member having to be at the gate until everyone has vacated the premises. Please can you ensure that you exit our premises as quickly as possible to enable the staff to tidy the setting and to complete the end of day safety checks prior to them leaving the premises at 3.30 pm.
Thank you to those of you that have taken the time to complete the parent’s questionnaire. The information received will be collated and used to improve the service we provide and will be useful evidence for Ofsted. Thank you also to those who have taken the time to let me know which school your child is attending from September. This information helps us to plan and to ensure that their transition into school goes as smoothly as possible.
Finally, a reminder that we will be holding a parent’s meeting on Wednesday 17th May between 3.15 and 4.15 pm for those children who will be staying with us from September. Please speak to your child’s Key Person to arrange an appointment that suits you.
Home Learning Challenge
· Bake a cake or buns together. Weighing out ingredients, counting how many eggs, spoons of sugar or flour.
· Arrange a play date with a friend.
· Write an invitation to a friend.
· Make a bug hotel.
I hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend.
Have fun,