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Newsletter 13/12/22


(Reg Charity 1199330)

C/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL

Telephone: 0114 2671111

13th December 2022

Dear all,

I can’t quite believe that we have come to the end of the autumn term. What a contrast from the warm sunny days we enjoyed in September to the freezing cold temperatures that we have had this week. I hope that your child has really enjoyed their time in the setting and is looking forward to the Christmas break.

We return the setting on Tuesday 3rd January where we will be talking about what we have done over the holidays in our circle time activities, looking at the season of winter (similarities and difference, ice, snow and water) and starting the topic of keeping healthy, including how our bodies work, looking after our teeth, healthy eating and exercise.

Our role play area will be turned into a doctor’s surgery/hospital. We will be looking at x-rays using the light box, talking about bones, drawing around each other and we hope to borrow a skeleton from Greystones Primary School. We will be doing lots of exercise to keep warm when we are outside and we will be also talking about the effects exercise has on our bodies. We will be food tasting, talking about healthy and unhealthy foods, taking food surveys during lunch club and talking about the importance of brushing our teeth. We are also going to be working on resilience, having a go at new activities and persevering when things do not go according to plan. We will also be talking about people who help us including doctors, dentists, nurses, firefighters and the police.

We will be continuing our letters and sounds work looking at phase 1 aspects 3 and 4 (body percussion and rhythm and rhyme) as well as working on numbers, 2D and 3D shapes, we will also be looking at positional language. We will be sharing books, learning rhymes and looking at the 5 key concepts of print as part of communication and language and for the personal, social and emotional area of the curriculum we will be talking about friendships, turn taking, following routines and fostering independence.

Just a few reminders…………………

  • Tomorrow is the last day for letters to Santa! Please send in your pro forma requests and payment without delay to ensure your child receives a very special letter.

  • Please can you ensure that you have sent in your termly attendance sheet for the spring term and contact the HMRC to renew your 30 hours code prior to the 31st December 2022 if you haven’t done so already? This will ensure that we can claim your child’s funding for the forthcoming term.

  • Please can you let me know of any changes to your address, telephone/ mobile phone numbers or email address? We will use this information to contact you regarding and changes to our opening or closing times should we have any adverse weather.

  • Please can you also telephone or email the setting prior to 9.30am if your child is absent? We need to record all absences for auditing purposes.

Home Learning Challenge.

  • Go on a winter walk with your child, looking at patterns in ice, snow on the trees.

  • Share a favourite book together.

  • Learn a funny rhyme or a Christmas joke that you can share with your friends.

  • Brush your teeth for 2 minutes

  • Try and put on your own shoes, coat, hat, scarf and gloves

  • Keep an eye out for our Christmas performance!

Lastly, on behalf of the management team and all the staff, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2023!

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